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Horse bitten, mauled by dogs in Boggabri

A beloved rescue horse had to be put down after she was attacked by what rangers think was two or more dogs in Boggabri in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

The owners of the 20-year-old appaloosa cross Hollywood, John and Wadette Shaw, were asleep at the time, but they believe the dogs blocked her way out of the property.

When they found her, Hollywood had been "bitten all over" and it became clear she would not recover from her injuries.

"It was pretty horrendous and horrible," Mrs Shaw said.

"[The horse] pushed itself through the fence and broke its leg trying to escape."

The Shaws said Hollywood came to them about six years ago, when she was rescued from a prior life of bad treatment.

"We've loved her and built her a beautiful stable in our yard," Mrs Shaw said.

"Our son and grandchildren used to ride her."

Mrs Shaw said Hollywood was now buried under her favourite tree, where she used to stand and fall asleep.

Investigators are looking at the incident, but Narrabri Shire Council ranger Ben Rumsby said there were a few ways this could be avoided in the future.

"Keep dogs on premises, and doors or gates locked of a night," Mr Rumsby said.

"We're attempting to look for the dogs, [but residents] need to keep their dogs off the streets, and back in their yard."

Mr Rumsby said that, if anyone saw something suspicious, they should report it to the council so it could "build a database of information".

Mr Shaw said it was "very sad", as his family had enjoyed spending time with the horse, and wanted something to be done about it.

"Most of these dogs are bred to hunt and it's not the fault of the dogs," Mr Shaw said.

"It's more the fault of the owners, because they're not taking the time to look after their dogs and supervise them properly."

Atricle Written by Jessica Worboys, The Northern daily Leader

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