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Why ASC had to take reins and force equestrian into administration

It is unprecedented in the 35-year history of the Australian Sports Commission for the federal government-appointed body to force a sport into administration, but a letter sent to the remaining directors of Equestrian Australia makes it clear it had no alternative.

The letter, co-signed by ASC acting CEO Robert Dalton and AIS boss Peter Conde on June 3, was forwarded to state directors of the sport on Monday.

The national board of EA consists of directors appointed by the states, meaning state loyalties often override the national interest; it is a sport divided by separate disciplines, such as show jumping and eventing, with some funded by the ASC and others not; it has disciplines with an international dimension and others not; all coalescing in a cumbersome and duplicated administrative structure whereby NSW has approximately half EA’s 18,000 members yet has the same vote as Tasmania.

Please click here to read the rest of the article as it appears on The Sydney Morning Herald website.

Article written by: Roy Masters

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