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Time to Get Driving Ready for Tamworth

Lots has been happing in the world of Driving, with even more just around the corner.

Earlier this month, Equestrian Victoria hosted their excellence awards.

The young and very talented Miss Ruby Lawrence won the 2018 EVIC Driving award. Congratulations Ruby!

Boyd Exell, driving his amazing team at CHIO Aachen, produced a WORLD record Dressage score, to crown his 9th overall win at this prestigious event.

Congratulations Boyd and your team.

Tor Van Den Berge earlier this month finished 6th place at the Dutch National Championships.

Team VDB are happy with their progress and are now working hard to perfect towards the next event.

Coming up, the wait is over for the biggest Driving event on the calendar: Tamworth International Horse Driving Trials.

CAI 2, 1 and EA classes are now live for your entries.

The full week of events run from 8th – 13th October at AELEC, Tamworth.

Included in this eagerly anticipated event is the Boyd Exell clinic & Masterclass.

This is a not-to-be-missed clinic & masterclass for all equine enthusiasts.

Drivers, riders, fence-sitters, grooms, judges, coaches and supporters are all welcome.

To avoid disappointment, ensure to get your entry forms in early.

The Young Drivers clinic entry forms are out this week. We welcome from 8-years-old and up of all levels.

This is truly a week to add to your calendar - last year this great week of events was even awarded the ENSW 'Event of the Year' for 2018.

If you have any questions, please contact the Event Secretary at

Throughout this month and the next few months, Driving clubs all over are hosting events to give all athletes as much competition practice before Tamworth as possible.

Please follow their Facebook pages to stay up to date with events and support these clubs.

Supplied courtesy of Jessica Meredith - Chair EADC

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