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Young Rider - Mikayla Van Kampen

This story is from the March 2019 Horse Deals magazine.

Dicavalli Royal Rory<br>
Photo: Lisa Gordon.

Dicavalli Royal Rory
Photo: Lisa Gordon.

Age: 18.

Lives: Tamborine, Queensland.

I work with Paul Austin and Mark Lilley at Paul Austin Equitation. I started working there straight after I graduated in 2017.

Family history with horses?
My mum was the one that introduced me to horses. As a young girl she rode with Steve Gladstone for many years back at the old Sydney Showgrounds. My dad is into surfing, triathlons and swimming, which is definitely not my thing. 

What age did you start riding?
Before I can remember.

Tell us about your first pony.
I had a few ponies when I was younger. A little grey Welsh named Taxi and two black Shetland’s called Muffin and Jack, they were around 18 years old when I got them. 

How did the showing bug begin?
Before I started showing around the age of ten, I remember going through all of the Horse Deals magazines, flipping straight to the show section and cutting out all the pictures of my favourite show horses and then gluing them on the front of my school books. A friend who we met through pony club, told us about Paul Austin Equitation saying, “you need to go and have a lesson.” So I went to one of his school holiday camps and that was it, eight years on and I wouldn’t change a thing.

What was your first competition?
Definitely something to do with pony club, whether it was a sporting day, gymkhana or fancy dress, I was there. 

Congratulations on your recent back to back Champion Child’s Small Hunter Hack win at the Australasian Show Horse Championships with Dicavalli Royal Rory, tell us about your partnership with him. 
Where do I begin, Rory is owned by the Lovell Family who generously allow me to ride him at the biggest and most prestigious shows in the country. One of Rory’s quirks at home is having to put a clip on his door as he likes to try and escape. He’s taught me that being a lazy rider will make for a lazy horse, he will give you his all, as long as you ask. As Paul would say “don’t be a passenger.” 

What are some of the highlights of your success?
One of my recent highlights would be when the Edwards Family asked me to ride their beautiful Hunter Galloway, Saravale Focused. Which led to being sashed Champion Small Show Hunter Galloway at the Australasian Show Horse and Rider Championships in Werribee last year. My biggest highlight to date would be when the Elliot Family kindly offered me to campaign Miss Universe a few years ago, which lead to some of my proudest moments in the saddle. Under the watchful eye and guidance from Paul Austin and Ken Uren, we were sashed Champion Open Large Pony at Grand Nationals, Sydney Royal and Melbourne Royal. As a young kid these results are something I could have only dreamed of. But the biggest accomplishment for me when competing in the ring is knowing all my hard work has paid off to produce a quality workout that I’m proud of. 

What is the secret to your success?
No secret here, but obviously my amazing support team. Paul Austin, Mark Lilley, my mother (Suzi) and the entire PAE Team. Whether it be getting a horse ready for the ring, finishing a workout or eating one of Paul’s amazing meals at night, everyone is there supporting, cheering and enjoying each others successes and company. This is what I think showing should be about. 

How many horses do you have in work at the moment?
Currently at work we have around 20 horses being prepared for the upcoming show season. 

Bellgarra Royal Blue<br>
Photo: Julie Wilson.

Bellgarra Royal Blue
Photo: Julie Wilson.

Your young hunter pony Bellgarra Royal Blue placed 4th at his first ever Nationals at only the age of four years old. How did he come into your life and why is he so special to you?
Around ten months ago, I was searching for a young pony to produce and mainly have some fun with. I saw him advertised, and a week later Garry arrived at home. From jumping, trail riding, doing the splits on his back, being ridden by a three year old at his first show, going into any arena, whether it be a T-shirt day or Nationals with no work down; there is not much he won’t do. Garry has exceeded all my expectations and he truly is a once in a lifetime pony. 

Share a typical day in your life.
Wake up at 6.30am, have breakfast (usually toast and a caramel latte), go down at 7am, let horses out in paddocks, clean stables, feed up and then start riding around 8.30am. Finish around 12pm and come up and have one of Paul’s famous sandwiches. Go back down around 1pm and finish working my list of horses. Bring them all in around 4pm and feed up. Finish around 5pm, shower and wait for one of Paul’s delicious dinners. Do the late night check at 8pm, then Netflix and bed. 

How did working for PAE come about?
I have been riding with Paul since the age of ten and basically everyday I wasn’t at school I was helping and riding. Once I finished school, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to do something that I know and love. 

Who’s your idol?
I can’t say I idolise a certain person but I look up to people who put the time, effort and love into producing their horse whilst being pleased and humble no matter the result. 

What are your coach’s best words of advice?
The best advice Paul continues to tell me is “why do anything if you don’t want to learn and become better at it?” 
How do you manage the highs and lows of the sport? I guess it’s something that occurs in every sport, so you have to take the good with the bad. I have never really let negative people consume my actions or thoughts, even before showing. 

Miss Universe<br>
Photo: Lorelle Mercer.

Miss Universe
Photo: Lorelle Mercer.

What are your future plans?
In the next coming years I would like to either continue doing what I love and riding or work as an air hostess (just like my mum did). I want to travel as much as possible and then eventually move to another state in Australia. 

What do you like to do outside of horses?
Being social which usually consists of eating, drinking and spending time with my friends. 

Can’t live without?
My phone, my credit card and my car.

3 things we don’t know about Mikayla?
1. I’m obsessed with sushi and caramel lattes.
2. I am a three time National Champion in Aerobics.
3. I can put both of my legs around my head.

Sponsors: Bare Equestrian and Southwood Saddlery.

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