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Hazel the Clydesdale walked 40km out of remote Tasmanian bush to new home

When an underweight and afraid Clydesdale horse living in bush in Tasmania's deep south was unwilling to get into a float, her rescuer had another idea: walk her 40 kilometres up a highway to her new home.

It all started when farmhand Michael 'MJay' Edgerton responded to an online advertisement asking for help in cleaning up a property post-sale at Glendevie.

After he helped to relocate some goats due to local flooding, the owner mentioned to Mr Edgerton that a Clydesdale was living out the back, across a creek and on a steep bit of bush.

When the floodwaters subsided, Mr Edgerton was able to find Hazel.

"When I found her, it was actually quite traumatising," Mr Edgerton said.

Click here to read the full article as seen on the ABC news website

Article written by Adam Holmes

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